© Avenuesandalleyways
The council kindly emptied all the contaminated bins. We found “homes” for them all and made sure they were numbered. When we knew that every single house had the right bins and information on them, we filled that end of the alley with beautiful flowers. The council donated the containers, a local landlord (Alan) bought the flowers and compost, and plenty of us turned out for a fun summer’s evening transforming our alley, with autumn plants and herbs. We have had 4 minor incidents of fly tipping in the 2 weeks since, with most of the waste being returned to their original owners. This is a massive improvement on the constant fly tipping that there used to be, and Maine Rd pavement remains devoid of abandoned bins! The flowers are bushing out now and have brought a huge smile to the many passers by who remember how awful that entrance used to be!
Residents against communal bins |
First alleyway transformation |
Alleyway transformations |
Landlords |
Alleyway Allotment |
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